NUNA 产品注册
Dead Sea Premier公司为Nuna提供2年有限保修。
您为您的NUNA美容仪成功注册以后,Premier 会为您推送重要通知并提供所有权证明和保修服务。注册过程非常快速简单。
请在购买后10天内注册您的美容仪,即可激活保修服务。 本有限保修服务仅供在Nunaskin.com和premier-deadsea.com以及其他授权零售商处购买的产品享受。在其他第三方市场(品牌直售除外) 购买的产品均不享有保修服务。 通过购买链接注册您的Nuna仪器,以获取重要通知, 持有证明,以及保修服务。
.注册过程快捷简单, 仅需几步就可完成!
我们无法保证,声明或担保您收到的替换品将与您退回的产品有着相似的外观或功能。 技术进步和产品供应问题可能导致您收到的替换品比您原先购买的产品价格更低。 在任何情况下,产品的相似性都由我方全权决定。
本有限保修范围不包括受意外,使用不当, 疏忽,火灾等其他外部影响因素;也不适用于未授权使用、改装、维修后的产品,或用于商业用途的产品。 本有限保修无法转让给产品的任何后续购买者或者赠予者。
本有限保修适用于任何售后替换产品。替换品继承原产品的保修期限,或者以替换品寄给您后的90天期限为保修期,以较长的保修时间为准。 您在退款或退换时退回的产品以及部件都将成为我们或我们附属机构的财产。申请退款或退还也表明您同意在保修期内将任何有效部件或产品转交给我们。 未能将损坏的部件或产品寄给我们或将导致我们以完整的零售价格向您收取替换部件或产品的费用。
若您对您的仪器有任何疑问,请联系我们来获得客户编号,以便发送瑕疵品。 可附上一张129美元的支票用于快速运输和处理。
- The warranty period
1.1. We warrant that the product is manufactured without defects in materials and workmanship under normal consumer use.
1.2. We are so confident in the durability and quality of our products, that’s why the limited warranty period for We are so confident in the durability and quality of our products, that’s why the limited warranty period for all of our NUNA devices is 2 years from the date of purchase.
1.3. The warranty must be activated by registering the NUNA device you purchased within 10 days from the date of purchase using our quick and easy online registration. Registering your Nuna product links the device you purchased and allows you to receive important notifications, proof of ownership, and warranty service.
1.4. NUNA’s limited warranty applies only to products and devices purchased at a Premier store or purchased at one of the following Premier websites,, and authorized retailers only.
1.5. It is clarified that Premier does not grant any warranty of any kind for products and devices purchased in any other form or manner.
1.6. Any replacement or repair of a product under warranty does not renew or extend the original warranty period it had. - Service provision
2.1. If, nevertheless, a malfunction is discovered that was caused during normal use with your NUNA device, Premier will replace the device with a new identical or similar device to the device you purchased.
2.2. The foregoing does not make any promise, representation, or warranty that any replacement product will be identical, new, or offer the same functions as the product returned to Premier. Technological progress and the availability of the product may result in receiving an alternative product, which is not necessarily new, with a lower or higher selling price than the original product purchased. In all cases, the product comparison will be determined by Premier at its sole discretion.
2.3. The customer must deliver the product to Premiers assigned laboratory, the device must be untampered with, complete, and contain all the defective parts. A product that is disassembled, incomplete, opened, or missing any parts will not be accepted, and no warranty will apply to it.
2.4. way of Treatment
If you have a problem with your device, you must contact us through customer service by phone or email to obtain a customer number in order to send the defective product. A check in the amount of USD 129 (one hundred and twenty USD) must be attached for handling and shipping fees. Any product that is returned to Premier and for which we will provide a replacement product or a refund, will become the exclusive property of Premier and will not be returned to the customer. - Exclusion of liability
3.1. This limited warranty applies only to products that have not been opened and/or products that have not undergone damage or deterioration resulting from malice or negligence on the part of the customer, including bumping, falling, hitting, misuse, neglect, damage and/or other external causes over which Premier has no control, and/or unauthorized use of the product, changes to the product or repair of the product without the consent and approval of Premier and/or not in accordance with the instructions for using the product, and/or commercial use not in accordance with the purpose or instructions for using the product.
3.2. This limited warranty is not transferable to any other purchaser or recipient of the product.
3.3. This limited warranty applies to any replacement product for the remainder of the original warranty period or for 90 days from delivery to you, whichever is longer. - Miscellaneous
4.1. Any extension and/or change to the terms of this warranty that are not given by the company in writing, will not be valid.
4.2. The laws of the State of Israel will apply to the provisions of this warranty.
4.3. In any case, Premier’s warranty according to this warranty is limited solely to the replacement or repair of the device and/or refund, in accordance with the instructions of this warranty, and the company will not be responsible for any damage and/or loss caused to the consumer and/or any third party, in any case, another, for the product or its accessories, unless the law states that it is a warranty that cannot be conditioned.
4.5. Contact: Premier Dead Sea Cosmetics Laboratories Ltd, Hashaked Street no.21, Israel.
Phone: +972-8-9214666
Phone/WhatsApp: 052-4222243


