
Presidente del Dipartimento di Chirurgia Plastica dell'Università di Strasburgo, Francia.


I upgraded to NUNA Pro Because I'm happy with the result

I chose to upgrade the NUNA device I have to the NUNA Pro because I was pleased with the result

Ofri Gal, 56

Visible results After about two weeks of use

Thank you for NUNA that really helps , the results were visible after using it for two weeks

Nurit Bar Moab, 52

Health needs to be maintained on a daily basis

Nuna is a must-have device for every woman Interested in maintaining her facial skin For glowing, healthier and more beautiful skin

Nati Evron, 61
ND Naturopath

since I'm using NUNA, my skin is much more fresh,

Even and more smooth. someone like me who does not go to a beautician and is not used to spend my money on expensive skin products, this is the ultimate solution for me

Millie Shtutz, 47

I was looking for non-invasive treatment

I received NUNA roughly a year ago when I was looking for a non-invasive treatment to refresh my skin and to give it a more glamorous and vivid look . The treatment is pleasurable and comfortable and provides a good and aesthetic feeling before I go out to a special occasion

Galia Schechter, 58

Significantly blurs wrinkles

My name is Ayelet, I have the NUNA device for five months now . I use it on all over my body . I am very pleased with the results. The NUNA has improved my facial skin appearance and significantly blurred my wrinkles

Ayelet David, 50

I like natural and non-invasive processes,

thanks to NUNA there is a decrease in wrinkles and a significant improvement in the texture of the skin. My face is radiant and I feel great

Eti Habusha, 67

I am very pleased with the results

As a modern multi-tasking woman (wife, mother and grandmother) in my 60's, I am very meticulous about how I look , and especially how I feel . Since undergoing a series of facial skin treatments a few years ago, I have been trying to preserve and strengthen the results. A year ago I purchased the NUNA Skin device and I am very pleased with the results . This week, following Laura's warm recommendation, I upgraded to the NUNA Pro device which ensures much more efficient results in less time

Dorit Habaz, 58

It's not easy to surprise me but they succeeded

Marketing has never been my strong side, but it's important for me to share with everyone that I'm just satisfied and happy, thanks to dead sea premier . Anyone who knows me knows that I have been undergoing anti-aging treatments for years at institutes and facials at my beautician. I just did not believe that a small device could give me such powerful results , so it's hard to surprise me but they succeeded. Now I do everything on my own , it's easy but most of all- fun.

Ida Caesar, 69

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